Happy National Radio Day, Chris O’Kelley!
Today is National Radio Day, and we’re celebrating by highlighting your favorite on air personalities! They share their passion for radio, and some fun photos too!
Chris O’Kelley has many memories from his years in radio. Here’s what he says about his career:
The “Radio Bug” bit me when I went to the local radio station where I grew up in Seneca, SC for a church promotion. As I got older, my parents let me hang at the station with my cousin who was a DJ and for 36 years now, the “Radio Bug” bites me daily. One day when I grow up, I keep telling myself I’ll get a real job. The friends along this journey have turned into lifelong friends and some even turn to family. I’ve gotten to do some amazing things because of the “Radio Bug”… more than I could ever list here. And 36 years later, I still never take it for granted. God has blessed me with a great radio career and here are some pictures from along the way!