Adult Summer Camp – That’s A Thing?!
Why I am just now learning about this?! In my normal bouncing around the interwebs, I somehow stumbled upon something about Adult Summer Camp. Excuse me? This is actually a thing?! I did a little more digging, and can’t seem to find an adult summer camp near the CSRA. So I am a bit disappointed.
Missing Out?
Let me start with this… I was homeschooled for most of my life (third grade through high school). If I remember correctly, the only camp I went to was a Southern Baptist Camp when I was in my pre-teens or early teenage years. I did also go on some mission trips with my church. But not summer camp. Perhaps it’s the fact that I feel like I missed out on something… but I’m very intrigued by this Adult Summer Camp, and now I want to go!
There’s one called Camp No Counselors. How awesome is that?! They describe themselves as the “world’s largest all-inclusive summer camp events for grown-ups.” But… it looks like the only locations are in New York and California. But it seriously looks like so much fun.
They’ve got public camps, host private events, and even have Camp Recharge, which is what I’d love to do. Camp Recharge is a health and wellness retreat “designed to help you feel like you again.” Doesn’t that sound awesome?
Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone
While I love the idea of just taking a relaxing vacation somewhere, I also love the idea of “playing” like a kid again. The idea of getting a little out of my comfort zone and trying new things sounds like a really exciting experience to me! Sure, an all-inclusive resort sounds great– but what if your getaway recharged your body, mind and spirit, and filled you with joy and energy.
I think just having an opportunity to get away and challenge myself would be so much fun. I’m the world’s worst about actually taking time off and doing something for myself. So I’m still on the hunt for an adult summer camp closer to home… or maybe I’ll just have to settle for a little “staycation” with some yoga classes?