Sleep Tips For New Parents.
My wife and I are set to welcome the birth of our first baby in roughly two months. Last night she said that we’ve got to really start preparing, because right now, we don’t know anything! I said “You’re right, but we’ll figure it out.” Well, with help from articles like the one I read on Sunday Citizen, we’ll be at least a little prepared as far as sleep is concerned.
Everyone we know who is a parent has told us, “Be prepared to not get any sleep for a while.” Not get any sleep?! How will we function as human beings on such little sleep? I’m used to running on limited sleep as it is being I get up so early to do the show. But now limited sleep will be even less.
Thank goodness for these tips that my wife and I can share. We don’t want to be so sleep-deprived that we get cranky toward each other. We don’t want to snap at each other when it can be avoided. It’s going to take both of us working together as a team. One of us won’t be able to do it without the other. My wife and I will definitely be looking for more articles like this as we wind down the final months of her pregnancy. If you have any advice or articles you’d like to share with me feel free to email them over to or find me on Instagram @dub_on_air. If you’re a new parent, or you will be soon, like us, hopefully, these tips help you out.
An Update On Dub And Kelsey's Baby Girl
Yesterday my wife and I went to the doctor for the third anatomy scan on Baby Maddie. Yep, you heard that right, the third anatomy scan! If you’ll remember back to some of the previous updates, during the first anatomy scan our daughter refused to uncross her legs, so the doctor couldn’t get a good look at some of her vital organs. So we had to go back for a second anatomy scan.
On this scan she did uncross her legs and they could see everything they needed to see… except her right hand! They couldn’t get a good look at her hand so guess what that means? Another anatomy scan for mommy and daddy! The third scan was yesterday and I can report that our daughter does have two hands!
We also heard and saw her heartbeat, which was around 141 beats per minute. We found out she’s measuring around the 54th percentile, so she’s right in the middle of other babies that are as far along as she is. We also got to see her face again, which was crazy! Her face is wayyyy more developed now than it was a month ago. Kelsey thinks that she has her lips and my nose.
Another thing that was really cool, we got to see her open her mouth on video! Was she yawning? Was she eating? Was she telling us to stop bothering her with the sonogram? I don’t know, but it was sooo cool to see. She’s growing like she should. she’s healthy and we can’t wait to meet her! Here are a few new pictures of Madelyn Grace.
Bryan “Dub” Axelson is the host of the Kicks Wake Up Krew on KICKS 99 and has been with Beasley Media Group in Augusta for over 20 years. He got his start in radio by being a regular caller on the Kicks 99 morning show. He was soon hired and has worked in various roles in Augusta, including Promotions Director. He was raised in Georgia, and currently lives in Grovetown with his wife Kelsey, their daughter Maddie, and their 3 dogs. Dub enjoys watching sports, playing golf, spending time with his family, and discovering new music.