Toys R Us Is Back!….Well Kinda.
Toys R Us has had me on a roller coaster for a few years now. They’re going out of business, no they’re coming back, ok no they’re gone again, just kidding, they’re back! Make up your mind Toys R Us! I was definitely a Toys R Us kid growing up. There was nothing better than a trip to Toys R Us back in the day. The aisles and aisles of action figures and video games and so much other awesome stuff. I was really bummed when Toys R Us closed down. I was a grown man when they closed, and I hadn’t been there in forever, but it was just that a part of my childhood was now gone! Well not anymore! Toys R Us is back baby!! Well they’re kinda back baby. Toys R Us is going to be reopening in select Macy’s stores. Hey I’m good with that, we’ve got a Macy’s at Augusta Mall. I was reading an article that said Georgia was one of the “flagship states” for Toys R Us and I got excited! My inner seven year old couldn’t wait to see what was cracking in the toy world these days. But when I read further in the article, I saw that we would not be getting a Toys R Us in our Macy’s, at least not yet. Looks like we’re going to have to drive to get to a Toys R Us. The closest locations are in Atlanta and Columbus. Why not Augusta, Toys R Us?! We’re cool here! We like toys! We were Toys R Us kids! I think we deserve a second look by Geoffrey The Giraffe (the Toys R Us mascot). Our Macy’s is plenty big enough Toys R Us. Lets move some of that home decor out and bring on the toys! Here’s a full list of the current Toys R Us locations in Macy’s stores and the ones that are coming soon.