Wait, These Activities We Do Every Day Count As Exercise?!
Sometimes I feel guilty when I don’t have time to go to the gym, thankfully this list of things we do every day counts as exercise. I have the utmost respect for people who can live the fitness lifestyle. It’s so tough working out every day and eating right. It’s especially tough when you throw in the stress we all deal with every day. Well I’ve got some great news, a lot of the stuff you do every day counts as exercise.
I was reading this article on CNET, and it said that these ten things that you’re already doing help you burn calories. Last week, I had to do yard work. I was cutting grass, weed eating, and pulling weeds. That all counts as exercise. The fact that it was still over 90 degrees and I was sweating like crazy didn’t hurt either. Want another example? Walking the aisles at the grocery store, while you’re not walking uphill or super fast, you’re still walking. Odds are you’re carrying and lifting stuff there too, it counts as exercise.
Cleaning your house and walking your dogs. We did that over the weekend, and it counts as exercise. Playing with your kids, they’ve got plenty of energy and you’re going to exert plenty trying to keep up with them. Yeah it’s not the same as running on the treadmill, but it still counts as exercise. So the next time we feel guilty because we didn’t sweat buckets in the gym, remember that if you did any of these ten activities, you burned some calories.
Here is the full list in the CNET article I read.