Gummy Mac N Cheese, Hot Dogs, And Pickles – Dub and Cody’s Taste Test
This morning we did a gummy candy taste test. We did it for y’all! Cody and I like to taste these new snacks first that way we can tell you what’s good, and what’s not. We don’t want y’all to waste your money on nasty snacks. So what did these new gummies taste like? Don’t worry we did a video with our reactions.
Yesterday on the show we talked about these new Kraft Heinz gummy candies. They are gummy versions of Kraft Mac and Cheese, Oscar Mayer hotdogs, and Claussen pickles. If you missed us talking about them, you can check out more info here.
Shout out to Hannah, she brought Cody these gummies yesterday at her ticket stop. She said that she found these at Walmart. This is the variety pack that contains the gummy Mac and cheese, the gummy hot dogs and the gummy pickles. So we are going to get to try all three. If I’m being honest, I was most excited about the gummy hot dog.
Cody and I love gummy candies, we’ve made that no secret, so we were super excited to try these. By the way if you want to check out more about these Kraft Heinz gummies, you can read more about them here.
Here is our gummy candy taste test video.
What Are The Best Road Trip Snacks
What are the best road trip snacks? Its vacation season, which means more road trips. Of course we know you can’t take a trip without snacks. Thats one of the best parts of the trip, stopping at a convenience store and grabbing something for the road. But what do you get? Thats always a tough decision for me. I’ll wander around for way longer than I should trying to figure out what I want.
SWNS came up with this list of the best road trip snacks, and I want to see if we agree with them or not. According to SWNS’ list junk food type stuff was on top of the list, well of course. However, some healthier options did make the list as well. I just don’t know if a road trip is the proper time to try and eat healthy. If you can do it, more power to you.
According to the article, people want to stop about every 3 hours and grab food or snacks or something. That sounds about right. I mean we’re probably stopping for a bathroom break anyway, so you might as well grab a snack or a drink or something right?
Before we get into the list, there was another thing I found interesting. More people would rather drive than fly. Not me! If I could, I’d fly everywhere. You get there so much faster, and you can still bring snacks on the plane. If you’d like to check out the full list and article from SWNS, just click here
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Lets see if you agree with this list of the best road trip snacks.
Bryan “Dub” Axelson is the host of the Kicks Wake Up Krew on KICKS 99 and has been with Beasley Media Group in Augusta for over 20 years. He got his start in radio by being a regular caller on the Kicks 99 morning show. He was soon hired and has worked in various roles in Augusta, including Promotions Director. He was raised in Georgia, and currently lives in Grovetown with his wife Kelsey, their daughter Maddie, and their 3 dogs. Dub enjoys watching sports, playing golf, spending time with his family, and discovering new music.