Halloween As A Kid – Kicks 99’s Chris O’Kelley Remembers A Favorite Halloween
So as a little kid, Halloween was right up there with Christmas as my favorite holiday. The candy was good, don’t get me wrong. The best part was the costumes. Growing up playing outside and playing dress up as your favorite action hero was nothing new. Like when we would put on jeans, flannel shirts, and boots to pretend we were The Dukes Of Hazzard. Our neighbors hated us because we had the Dixie horn from the General Lee on our bikes. We played it every time we jumped something.
When Halloween rolled around, yes we had the traditional store-bought costumes. The ones, the plastic face mask that you couldn’t breathe out of because the mouth hole was too small. Then there was the part where having to wear glasses under the make made your glasses fog up. Making them was a lot more fun. Well at least for us the kids it was, for mom, probably not so much.
My All Time Favorite Halloween Costume
My favorite and I mean my all-time favorite Halloween costume was the years, yes years, that I would dress up as Batman. I was as a kid a Batman junkie and couldn’t get enough of Batman. My brothers and I would pretend to fight like the series and when we would swing we would yell the words that they would pop up on the screen. Like, “POW”, “BOOM”, “ZOK”, just like me, I know you can see those words right now!
For the life of me, I can’t remember the year or how old I was, but I had to be at least 5, Maybe 6? This was the first Batman costume that I got that wasn’t homemade. I can remember this Halloween today just like it is happening right now. I remember the year before this Halloween, I made my own Batman costume and I wished I had pictures from that year. Nothing will top the towel I used as my cape and the clothespin I used to make it connect at the next. My dad’s tool belt was my belt and my jeans were tucked into my boots for the leg effect.
So tonight as you and your family hit the streets looking making memories and gathering as much candy you can. Please be safe and keep your eyes open. Unfortunately, not every one will have the same best indentions as most of us. So please keep your eyes open, be safe and if there are any Kit-Kats, Or Peanut Butter Cups that you don’t want or need, you can find me here at the Kicks 99 studios at 4051 Jimmie Dyess Parkway, Augusta Georgia, 30309. Just ask for Batman! Happy Halloween.