Baby Maddie’s first month is in the books. Thats so hard to believe. It seems like just yesterday that we brought her home. She has been a really good baby this past month. Kelsey and I are just loving watching her grow and developing her little personality. We’re learning to much about her too. We’re learning what she likes, and what she doesn’t like, what makes her happy, and what ticks her off!
People have told us since she was born, “enjoy every second, because time goes fast”. Kelsey and I are learning that first hand. Every day we think “she’s going to be 6 months old before we know it”, or “she’ll be walking before long”. Our lives have changed so much for the better over this past month. Sure we don’t get as much sleep as we used to. We also can’t just get up and leave the house anymore, but it’s all worth it.
My wife and I love spending time with our daughter. We love sharing her with our friends and family. Of course we consider y’all extended members of our family. So we wanted to share some of our favorite pictures from Baby Maddie’s first month with you. If you want to check out even more adorable pictures of her, you can see those right here.