It’s time for Baby Maddie’s ten month update. She turned ten months old on Sunday. That doesn’t even seem possible. It’s crazy to think that Kelsey and I are already planning her first birthday party. I feel like she just came home with us yesterday. Well as another month passes, there is plenty of new stuff to update y’all on.
First of all let me just say thank you. Thank you for caring enough about our family to read these updates every month and check out these new pictures. It really means a lot. Kelsey and I love being able to share our daughters progress with all of you. So lets get into all of the new things that Maddie has been doing recently.
I think the first big update is that we’ve got our first tooth popping through! Its the top left front tooth. She has been a little fussy with the tooth coming in, but not as bad as we thought. Another thing going on is that Maddie is eating more and more solid food. She loves French toast, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, bananas and her teether crackers. Kelsey and I let her have some of what we have for dinner every night, so she’s trying something new every day.
Maddie still loves standing and jumping, but she’s not walking or crawling quite yet. She’s got the crawling position down, but she just can’t figure out how to get going just yet. We don’t think it will be much longer though. Another thing we just noticed a couple of days ago is that Maddie finds the word dog hilarious. Every time we say dog she giggles, and we love to hear her giggle so Kelsey and I say it all the time.
If you’d like to see more photos and videos of Baby Maddie, feel free to click here.
Here are some new pictures for Baby Maddie’s ten month update.