Perhaps you heard the Kicks Wake Up Krew chatting with Ricky, a local paranormal investigator, just last week. Ricky is from the area, and while he did move away for a while, he’s back. We talked to him about possibly getting to go with him on one of his paranormal investigations. And sure enough, he set up a time to explore Magnolia Cemetery in downtown Augusta this past Sunday.
Setting It Up
Ricky has a group on Facebook for those interested in paranormal investigation. He made a post about getting a small group together to investigate at Magnolia Cemetery. The plan was for Sunday at 5 p.m. Unfortunately, Dub wasn’t able to make it this time around, but I wasn’t going to miss it! In fact, I made sure to arrange my weekend in a way that we could go.
Paranormal Investigation – Magnolia Cemetery
I was so excited for this experience. David and I got to Magnolia Cemetery just after 5 p.m. Ricky was already there with some of his equipment set up. Shortly after we arrived, another guy showed up. We learned his name is Leage, and he does a lot of exploring, videoing, and photography around the area.
It was still daylight, so we stood there talking for quite a bit about various experiences we’ve had. Leage even showed us a really crazy video where he asked a spirit to knock, and there was definitely a response. Ricky said there was another couple that was supposed to be meeting us, so we waited for them to show up.
Once it started to get dark, Ricky and Leage turned their equipment on and began the investigation. Unfortunately, the Georgia-Carolina Fair was still going on right next to the cemetery… so there was quite a bit of noise. And we’re not sure if that’s the reason, but there wasn’t a ton of activity.
Phinizy Mausoleum
We weren’t picking up much, so we walked over to the Phinizy Mausoleum. This is where Leage had experienced the knock. They had their cameras, apps, motion balls, and spirit boxes ready. But again, there wasn’t too much going on. We determined maybe the spirits weren’t communicating because of all the noise from the fair.
We started walking back to our vehicles since it was getting close to 8 p.m. (which is when the gates close). Along the way, we stopped by Wylly Barron’s Mausoleum. You can read a little bit about it HERE. We stopped briefly and they set everything up. There were 2 pieces of equipment they set up on the mausoleum. And what do you know… we actually picked up some pretty strong activity!