If I’m being honest, I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook memories! I’ve had Facebook since it started, pretty much. Do you remember that? At that point, I was in high school. My sisters were both in college. And we couldn’t be friends on Facebook because high school and college were separate! Crazy, right? It’s a great reminder of just how much has changed since then. And at that time, MySpace was still a big deal too. Oh the drama that could create. Remember picking your top 6 or 8 friends? Changing your profile song to reflect your mood? And trying to find the best background designs… Ah, the “good old days.”
While I am unable to log into my MySpace account… My Facebook account is alive and active and has been since the beginning. And there’s this great feature called Facebook Memories. But the reason for my love/hate relationship? Sometimes Facebook can bring up times in your life that you really would rather forget. There are times when life wasn’t great. But, there were some really great times too. Then there are friends… people you might not have a relationship with anymore. And let’s not even get started on the exes. Ugh!
I used to look at my Facebook memories pretty frequently. But I definitely don’t check it as often. I just pulled it up today to see what happened on this day years ago… so I figured I’d share a few things I found! Let’s start with… 2009!
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