Random Acts Of Kindness Day is celebrated on Saturday, February 17th. The Random Acts Of Kindness Foundation created not only one day but a full week to do for others. The week of February 11th – 17th is a full week to do for others.
As a kid, I was taught it cost nothing to be nice to people. I’ve personally used that motto my whole life. I don’t hide the fact that I’m a Christian and in the book of Luke, Chapter 12, Verse 48, it says. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: Does this mean you have to give money to everyone you meet? No, it doesn’t. What it means is to give what you have to others. A smile to a stranger, a good morning to a co-worker, a thank you for holding the door. It doesn’t take a lot to be nice.
Simple Acts Of Kindness
When doing for others, if you do it with the right heart, it’s not for them, it’s for you! There are so many ways to do random acts of kindness for others. Here are some ways that are simple and easy:
- Let someone cut in front of you at the grocery store
- Help with the dishes without being asked.
- Compliment five people every day.
- Visit a nursing home.
- Volunteer to work in the school cafeteria.
- Open a door for someone when they ride in your car.
- Invite someone to church.
The best part about these acts of kindness? They do not cost you a penny. I know two beautiful ladies who call Augusta home who always have lottery scratch-off tickets with them. They give them out to people everywhere they go. They do this to honor their brother who passed away.
More Ways To Show Kindness
- Leave a bigger tip when eating out.
- Pay for a soldier, Nurse, or Police officer’s lunch or dinner.
- When you are in a drive-thru, pay for the person behind you.
- Leave your coworkers favorite candy on their desk
- Bake cookies or a cake for a neighbor
- Find a cemetery where there are no flowers and put some on the plot.
Let’s celebrate Random Acts Of Kindness Day. Here are a few restaurants and business who are doing random acts of kindness.