There are skills we don’t use anymore. They used to be things we did every day and now they’re becoming obsolete. These skills are becoming less and less common because of the onset of modern technology. Technology has taken the need for these skills. We don’t have to do these things anymore because a computer does it or our phone does it now.
Some things that used to be commonplace in schools isn’t being taught anymore. Unless I’m wrong, I don’t think they have a Home Ec class anymore. We used to all have to take it back not that long ago. I took Home Ec in middle school. Spelling apparently isn’t that important anymore. Someone called us this morning and told us that a lot of teachers have dropped spelling from the curriculum. Think about it, phones and computers all have auto correct and spell check features now.
I started the list with the skill of remembering phone numbers. You used to either have to remember everyone’s number, or you used an address book. Honestly, I think I might know 4 numbers in my phone by heart now. Cody brought up setting your VCR to record a show and the hassle that came along with that.
Just like all of our lists, this one was compiled but your phone calls and Facebook comments. If you’d like to see all of the comments, you can check them out here.
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These are the top skills we don’t use anymore here in the CSRA.