Winter Resources Around Augusta And The CSRA
Local organizations are providing warming centers for the area's needy
Welcome to 2024! The holiday season is in the books and it’s time to start shaping our new year into something worthwhile. This is the year we give back to our community! This is the year we look out for everyone, big and tall, short and small, Columbia, Richmond or Aiken county, we’re going to find resources for everyone and if you don’t need those resources, maybe you can find it in your heart to keep them available for those that do with your time, your interest or your money! For instance: it’s going to get awfully cold all over the CSRA this week. Thankfully, several local organizations are providing warming centers for the area’s needy. Here are some resources for keeping warm this week in the CSRA.
Warm Up In Grovetown
During the winter months some people in our area need a place to go to keep warm. The Community Center at Liberty Park in Grovetown will be available as a warming center for citizens that may not have a way to keep warm in this cold weather. Liberty Park will offer free snacks, water and a place to warm up during business hours this week and throughout the winter months. Get more details on the warming center here.
A Ride To Warmth
In Richmond County, Augusta Transit is providing free transportation to local overnight warming shelters, including Augusta Rescue Mission, Garden City Rescue Mission and the Salvation Army Center of Hope. For safety precautions, shelters are requiring proof of a shelter clearance to be admitted. You must obtain the clearance from the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office. Get more information on resources for keeping warm this week in the CSRA with the available routes here.
Keeping Clean
Something you may not know is that Gap Ministries and Augusta Rescue Mission provide free laundry services for anyone in the community that might need them. Compass For Hope will also be rolling out a free mobile laundry facility as part of the ‘Project Refresh” campaign. “Project Refresh” is a program offering showers, a hygiene kit and laundry services to those living on the streets. For a full schedule, visit their website here.
While you may not need these services yourself, you may know someone who does. Let’s ring in this new year by helping these organizations keep all of our citizens warm, clean and dry this winter!
13 Baskets, Boxes, and Containers to Help you Get Organized in 2024
If there’s something here you decide you just must have, we’ve provided links to the product websites. When you click on the link and make a purchase, Beasley Media Group may earn a commission. We are an Amazon Associate and earn from qualifying purchases.
Life is chaotic which can lead to less time to keep your home or space organized. I know it’s not an easy task to organize your space, but there are so many reasons to. It can have a real effect on your physical and mental health.
Now I want you to imagine walking into a disorganized space. Maybe it’s a cluttered room, a messy desk, or even just a chaotic closet. Immediately, your brain starts to panic. It’s like a tiny fire alarm goes off, warning you that chaos is about to start. First, your mind becomes very confused. You start to feel overwhelmed because you can’t figure out where anything is. It’s like being lost in a maze with no map. You realize is no way you are going to find that one little item you’re desperately on the hunt for. Next, you’ve been there, I’ve been there, and your patience decides to take a vacation. It’s stressful and testing your nerves.
Mental Effects
As the messiness piles up, so does your stress. Your brain can’t handle the chaos anymore, and it starts shutting down. Concentration levels plummet, productivity dwindles, and you find yourself spending hours scrolling through videos completely avoiding tackling that important project.
Physical Effects
Now let’s talk about the physical effects. Tripping over random objects is like getting through an obstacle course. Well, you don’t get through it because it’s never-ending. Bruised, stubbed toes and maybe a few not-so-nice words happen. We’ve all been there.
But there is hope! There is light at the end of the tunnel. With a little bit of effort, some determination, and some great music you can conquer the chaos. Organizing your space will help restore order to your life, and your brain will be more at ease and grateful. Let an organized place set you free. I truly enjoyed creating this list of items below to help you, and me frankly, get organized and get some peace.
Please note that items are in stock and prices are accurate at the time we published this list. Have an idea for a fun theme for a gift idea list you’d like us to create? Drop us a line at
Michelle is the producer for the Austin Rhodes show afternoons from 3pm-6pm on WGAC. She's known and been friends with Austin since they were both starting out in their 20's. She's been in the Augusta market on News Talk, Top40, Country and Rock radio on morning shows, middays and afternoons for many years. You also may have heard her in Charleston SC, Columbia SC, Savannah GA and even Des Moines Iowa! Michelle likes to focus her stories on local history, local happenings and local animals in need. She loves spending time with her rescue dogs, her horses and listening to fun new music.