Trending News With The Krew – March 24, 2025
Today’s news includes Dairy Queen celebrating its 85th anniversary with 85-cent small Blizzards, tips to prevent morning breath, and following a baby’s eating habits to lose weight.
Trending News With The Krew, each weekday at 7:15 a.m. and 9:25 a.m., on Kicks 99 is powered by Leonard Truck Outfitters.
Dub: We’re powered by Leonard Truck Outfitters. Truck around and find out.
Cody: I think I know someone who’s really gonna like this because he eats quite a few blizzards.
Dub: Yes.
Cody But Dairy Queen is celebrating their 85th anniversary by offering 85-cent small blizzards with a one-dollar purchase.
Dub: Okay, so all you gotta do is buy something for a dollar and you get an 85-cent blizzard? Yep. Sign me up.
Cody: The promotion runs for two weeks and it coincides with the launch of their summer-themed blizzard flavors, which includes mixing bowl mashup, which I’m interested to see what’s in that.
Dub: Yeah.
Cody: But also dipped strawberry cheesecake. Okay. So the deal starts today and again it’s for two weeks as they launch their summer-themed blizzards.
Dub: Look, I got a DQ right around the corner from my house. I think I’m gonna have to go investigate this.
Cody: I was gonna say I swing by one hour, not swing by one, but I go buy one every single day. It’d be very easy to swing in there.
Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. And like you said, our boss, he’s probably listening to this going, starts today, 85 cents sold.
Cody: And it’s no secret everybody wakes up with morning breath.
Dub: Yeah.
Cody: Yeah.
Dub: We got, we look, hey, it’s not something a lot of people like to talk about, but we do.
Cody: Yeah. Some have it worse than others, but morning breath apparently is, is caused by dehydration, poor oral hygiene and acid reflux disease.
Dub: Okay.
Cody: Apparently to prevent morning breath, you should try drinking green tea before bed or rinsing with baking soda after brushing.
Cody: You can also down coconut oil or eat an apple to freshen your breath in the morning. I mean, who’s just got, you can just brush your teeth in the morning and it takes care of it.
Dub: Yeah. That’s what I was going to say. Or chew some gum or eat a mint or something.
I mean, who’s just, who’s just got coconut oil or an apple just readily available first thing in the morning. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Yeah. That’s what you want to do. Crunch into an apple right when you wake up. Um, yeah. Okay. Yeah.
Like you said, brushing your teeth might just be the easiest way. Um, speaking of nutrition and things like that, uh, there are some nutritionists and registered dietitians that now suggest following a baby’s eating habits to lose weight.
Cody: Okay. Okay.
Dub: Uh, they recommend eating every two to four hours. So I guess that’s what they mean when they say, I don’t think they’re talking about like drinking formula or anything like that. Uh, they recommend eating every two to four hours with a balanced meal of protein, carbs, and fruits and vegetables for the greatest results.
They also stress the importance of taking your time to chew each bite. Yeah. You’re supposed to chew each bite. Like what? Like 20 something times.
Cody: I don’t even know, but it seems excessive.
Dub: Who’s got the free time to sit there and count how many times you’re chewing a bite of something. Not me. You know, uh, they also say that people should avoid mindless snacking.
Well, you know what that I enjoy mindless snacking.
Cody: All right. I think that one’s kind of obvious. I mean, we all know that, you know, cutting out the extra calories are going to help for sure.
Dub: Um, so yeah. So when we say follow a baby’s eating habits, that means eating every two to four hours. It doesn’t mean down in something and then immediately spitting it back up on the person that you love most.