Trending News With The Krew – March 25, 2025
Today’s news includes info on microwaves being a hotbed for bacteria, Breast Milk Botox is trending, and a man rots his teeth by drinking energy drinks.
Trending News With The Krew, each weekday at 7:15 a.m. and 9:25 a.m., on Kicks 99 is powered by Leonard Truck Outfitters.
Dub: We’re powered by Leonard Truck Outfitters. Truck around and find out.
Cody: I am glad to say that I don’t use the office microwave anymore.
Dub: I’ll be totally honest. I’ve worked in this building for 20 years since it’s been here. I think I’ve used the company microwave twice, maybe. We’ve used it more to blow up eggs for morning show stunts than I have to actually make food in it.
Cody: Well, before I was on the morning show, I did use it because I would be here at lunchtime. I would always heat my lunch up, but apparently, office microwaves are a hotbed for bacteria. Yeah.
Dub: When they ever clean those?
Cody: Yeah. There’s a recent study that revealed that shared office microwaves Harbor over a hundred species of bacteria, including those that cause foodborne illnesses. So health experts emphasize the importance of regular cleaning to prevent potential health risks. But who’s going to be put in charge of that? Who’s going to monitor whether or not it’s regularly clean?
Dub: Who’s going to be the official office microwave cleaner? I nominate Chris O’Kelley.
Cody: Yeah, me too.
Dub: There you go. Not well. Nah, he’d, he’d forget.
Cody: Um, we’ll have to think on that.
Dub: Yeah. We got to think. Hey, we will officially accept nominations. All right. If anybody wants to accept the position.
Cody: And there are a lot of beauty treatments and things that I have tried. This will not be one.
Dub: I was going to ask. Are you going to test the trend on this one?
Cody: So apparently breast milk Botox treatments are trending. Beauty enthusiasts claim that breast milk has anti-aging benefits.
Dub: I’ve heard this before.
Cody: Yeah. So, women are posting TikTok videos of themselves with bags of frozen breast milk on their faces. Dermatologists say breast milk cannot replace actual Botox, and some doctors claim that breast milk helps with health issues but not with anti-aging.
Dub: Who do you think that somebody just sits around and says, let’s see if we can make these idiots do stupid stuff on TikTok?
Cody: That’s what it feels like a lot of times.
Dub: I mean, cause like you feel like that people are just sitting around going, all right, let’s see if we, if we tell them that putting bags of breast milk on their face is going to help with aging, you think they’ll actually do it? By God, look, they’re doing it, you know? Yeah. Oh, look…
I enjoy a Monster energy drink every morning. And I know there’s probably some people out there that have some feelings on that. They’re like, Dub, you ought not drink that stuff. It’s bad for you.
Cody: Okay
Dub: Well, you know what? Most things that taste good or make you fit, they’re bad for you. Well, I enjoy one singular Monster energy drink in the morning. I am not like this fella from London named Nicholas Mudford who rotted his teeth by drinking. Not one, not two, but 21 Monster energy drinks a week for 20 years.
Cody: So, essentially three a day.
Dub: Yes.A breakfast, lunch, and dinner monster. Um, they, this caused his teeth to crumble and fall out. Uh, he flew to Turkey for full veneers and now feels more confident than ever. He warns others to stay away from energy drinks to avoid ruining their teeth.
Okay. Look, dude, it’s not the fact that you, it’s not the energy drink. Okay. It’s the fact that when you drink 21 of them in a week for 20 years, that might be the case, man. You know, one here or there, not going to really hurt you. But when you, you know, replace water with monster energy drinks, that’s probably going to have some side effects.
Cody: Or I don’t know, maybe he could just brush his teeth a little more.