Daylight Saving Tips
This Sunday, March 8th,2020, many Americans will be asleep while our clocks “spring forward”(with the exception of Hawaii and Arizona) for Daylight Saving time. At 2:00 am the time will change from 1:59 am to 3:00 am. Lucky for us, and thanks to technology, many of our devices we depend on to keep us in timely fashion throughout the day will change automatically! Unfortunately there are still other clocks that will take some manual changing. Much like when the power goes out, you will find yourself making your way around the house, changing times here and there. There may be some you even forget to change! We have created a list of all clocks you will need to help spring forward:
- Alarm clocks
- Car clocks
- Answering machines (yes, these are still around)
- Oven / microwave / coffee maker
- Automatic pet feeder (don’t make those babies wait another hour!)
- Wall clocks
- Watches
While you’re at it, here are a few other household tasks you can knock out and cross off your to do list:
- Change your air filters
- Change batteries in the smoke detector
- Clean the gutters
- Flip your mattresses
Warmer weather is on the way and the sun will be out a little bit later each day! Enjoy the time change and lets open spring with open arms!