Lunch Box Cash! Do You Have One Of These?
It’s almost time for back to school and that means shopping for clothes, and school items and it used to be shopping for lunch boxes. Lunch boxes with your favorite TV shows on them, or cartoons and more. Now is the time to get yours out if you own one… It could pay off!
They were metal. They were covered in pop culture icons. They were ‘80s Lunch Boxes. Other than jamming them full of sugar-filled treats to share with your friends at the lunch table, one of the coolest things about being a kid in the 1980s was actually showing off your lunchboxes.
After working men had popularized the act of toting their lunches in unbreakable metal pails, and before the ‘90s turned them plastic, ‘80s kids were begging their parents for lunchboxes adorned with their favorite toys, musical artists, TV shows, and movies.
Perhaps the most coveted lunch container, produced by Universal, features the Man of Steel. Bellomo ranks the box—which shows Superman battling robots and rescuing a damsel in distress—as the most valuable Superman (1954)lunch box of all time, with a mint-condition specimen fetching as much as $13,000.
Yep….$13,000 for a metal lunch box. That’s a lot of peanut butter sandwiches and potato chips.
Bon appetite!