Redneck Mimosas – The Kicks Wake Up Krew Does A Taste Test
My fiancé, David, told me about Redneck Mimosas earlier this week. I think he saw the trend on TikTok. He really wanted to try it. Yesterday, he took a break at work and went to a convenience store to grab the ingredients for him and his co-worker, Bobby, to try out. He said it was pretty good. And he’s like, I’d bring some for you to try, but I know you don’t like Red Bull. I’m like, I will drink Red Bull… It’s not necessarily my favorite, but I will drink it!
So, as we’re prepping for the show this morning, I get a text from David. It just said, “Come out back.” I told Dub about the text, and we were both thinking he’s brought us coffee like he has many times before. But instead, this morning, he brought us the ingredients for Redneck Mimosas! It’s simply orange juice and Red Bull. Although, David said he thought it would be good with vodka. But let’s be honest, it was before 6 a.m. on a Friday morning, so we have to keep it non-alcoholic!
David brought extra large cups with ice, bottles of orange juice, and cans of Red Bull. So, Dub and I put it to the test and videoed the process and our first taste test! If you hear us bouncing off the walls today… you’ll know why! I don’t know if there’s a specific measurement for each ingredient. David just told us to pour both drinks at the same time to mix them up well! From what I saw on TikTok, some redneck mimosas are orange juice and some sort of beer. But at least this one is work-friendly!
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