How To Remove Lipstick Using Three Different Methods
How to remove lipstick using three different methods that I found here and which one is my personal favorite way to remove lipstick at the end of the day.
And check out some of my favorite fall lip color looks here.
I generally wear long-lasting lip colors so I don’t have to keep reapplying them throughout the day.
While those lipsticks last longer, they can be stubborn to try and get off your lips at the end of the night. So here are the three effective methods that I used to remove them:
1. Micellar water- Dampen a cotton pad or cloth and press against your lips for one minute. Gently dab your lips to remove the lipstick after one minute, making sure not to scrub them with the pad or the cloth.
2. Petroleum Jelly- Apply the jelly to your lips and let it sit for two to three minutes. Wipe off the jelly and lipstick reside with a cotton pad or paper towel.
3. Oil cleanser- I used olive oil because that’s what I had on hand. But you can also use coconut oil or jojoba oil. Apply a dime-size amount of the cleanser onto dry skin, and use your fingertips to massage the oil in circular motions across your lips. This allows the cleanser to lather, melting your lipstick and other makeup off your face. Rinse your face in cold water and gently wipe off any excess cleanser with a warm washcloth.
The easiest and best way for me to remove lipstick is micellar water. Olive oil and petroleum jelly were both ‘messy’ ways to remove lipstick, but definitely more nourishing for my lips. But, ultimately I’m about simple and easy, and micellar water is the best way to go when it comes to removing lipstick and makeup in general.