Trending News With The Krew – March 20, 2025
Today’s news includes frozen meal recalls, foods for allergy sufferers, and a new “Rent-A-Grandma” in Vegas.
Trending News With The Krew, each weekday at 7:15 a.m. and 9:25 a.m., on Kicks 99 is powered by Leonard Truck Outfitters.
Dub: We’re powered by Leonard Truck Outfitters. Truck around and find out.
Cody: Well, if you have any Lean Cuisine or Stouffer’s Frozen Meals, you might want to watch out because they have recalled some of those because they may contain wood. Huh? Yeah.
Dub: How do you get wood in your Lean Cuisine?
Cody: Who knows? But the brands initiated the voluntary recall after consumer complaints.
Dub: Yeah, somebody chipped a tooth on a lasagna.
Cody: But the recalled meals include butternut squash ravioli and lemon garlic stir fry shrimp. Lean Cuisine and Stouffer’s are actively investigating the issue.
Dub: Yeah.
Cody: Trying to figure out where that wood came from.
Dub: Lemon, garlic and pine stir fry shrimp. Also got that butternut mahogany squash ravioli. Yeah.Yeah. If you wonder why some of your stuff tastes a little funny, now you know.
Cody: There you go. And here are some things that you can eat. I know you’re dealing with some allergy stuff going on.
Dub: The pollinating has gripped the CSRA.
Cody: It absolutely has.
Dub: And it will not let go.
Cody: Apparently, allergy sufferers should eat things like onions.
Dub: Nope.
Cody: Yeah, I’m out on that. Apples.
Dub: Okay.
Cody: Broccoli.
Dub: Nope. Pass.
Cody: Grapes.
Dub: Okay.
Cody: And tomatoes.
Dub: Also pass.
Cody: Because these anti-inflammatory foods can help ease symptoms caused by pollen.
Dub: Okay. Look, I love apples and grapes. I’m okay with that.
Cody: I’ve also heard that eating local honey can help too.
Dub: Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, if that’s the case, I will chug local honey right now.
Cody: Experts recommend using nasal rinses and keeping windows closed on high pollen days, which it looks like we’re going to have quite a few of those in our future.
Dub: Well, and again, we talked about it. We were wondering how the pollen season was going to be this year because we have so many less trees than we did last year. But it’s like the ones that we do still have are working overtime.
Cody: Yeah, I was going to say I saw a haze in the air yesterday on the way home from work.
Dub: It is insane.
We are getting into the thick of it.
Dub: And if you missed it yesterday, we talked about the fact that Augusta is actually in the top 20 of worst cities for allergies in the entire country. And Augusta is the only city in Georgia that made the top 20.
Cody: Yeah.
Dub: So yeah, it’s crazy. It’s bad around here, y’all. Now out in Las Vegas, they are doing something kind of interesting.
A rent a grandma company in Las Vegas. Yeah. They’re providing services with a purpose. Clients are matched with grandmas who offer caregiving, companionship and even help with household tasks. OK, you know what? Sometimes you just need sometimes you just need a grandma, I guess.
You just need somebody to sit there and go, hey, baby, do you eat yet? You’re looking a little thin. Come on over here. Let me make you something to eat. The owner believes in the value of connecting seniors with families in need.
Cody: I think that that might be good for everybody, for older people to have to feel needed and to have a purpose. I like that.
Dub: Well, yeah, because I mean, you think about it. I mean, probably their kids, you know, are grown and out of the house raising their own kids, you know, so they’re they may be struggling with, you know, what do I do now? What is my purpose?
So, yeah, this is really, really cool. But I don’t think Las Vegas should have the only rent-a-grandma service in the country. I think we need to move this to somewhere here in the South. But instead, we call it Rent-a-Meemaw.