Trending News With The Krew – March 17, 2025
Today’s news includes St. Patrick’s Day tradition of wearing green, a Georgia mom drove to pick up her teen on Spring Break, and man eats his 35,000th Big Mac.
Trending News With The Krew, each weekday at 7:15 a.m. and 9:25 a.m., on Kicks 99 is powered by Leonard Truck Outfitters.
Dub: We’re powered by Leonard Truck Outfitters. Truck around and find out.
Cody: Ever since I was a little girl, wearing green on St Patrick’s Day was the thing to do got to do it because otherwise you were gonna get pinched. But apparently some people are gonna be wearing orange instead of green today. Irish Catholics wear green to honor St. Patrick. While Protestants wear orange for William of Orange.
But the Irish flag of course unites both of those colors to symbolize peace between the religions.
Dub: Now it makes sense why there’s green and orange and not just green. Yeah.
Cody: Okay, and the American Irish Historical Society says pinching those for not wearing green likely originated in America, not in Ireland.
Dub: Okay. See there we go a little St. Patrick’s Day history lesson today.
Cody: Yep. There you go and this girl is going to be probably on restriction for the rest of her teen years.
Dub: Yeah, maybe longer
Cody: A Georgia mother recently had to drive 226 miles to Daytona Beach to pick up her 16-year-old daughter. The teen was on spring break and she got busted for having booze on the beach
Dub: First of all, why is a 16-year-old on spring break? That’s usually a college thing, right?
Cody: Yeah you know, I know around here if you’re on spring break, it’s like a family thing when right high school, right?
Dub: Yeah. That’s what I’m saying. Like the fact that a 16-year-old unless the only thing I can think of is she told her mom that she was going somewhere else and then she found out she went somewhere else.
Cody: I don’t know.
Dub: Maybe I did a little sneaking around here I don’t know.
Cody: I don’t know but the sheriff of the county issued a warning saying the police will not babysit people’s kids. Can you imagine can you imagine like being this girl knowing that your mom is driving?
Dub: 226 miles to come pick your butt up. Just that whole time. She’s sitting on going. Oh, I’m in so I’m saying so much trouble. I’m dead. Oh, I’m done. It’s over my phone’s gone my internet It’s all gone.
And just as the mom that every mile boy madder and madder I get there when I see you.
Oh, it’s gonna be all can you imagine if you’re this girl and the cops like We’re about to call your mom.
No, let me tell you about Don Gorsky of Fond du lac, Wisconsin, he just recently ate his 35th 35 thousand I say that right 35,000 35 35,000 Big Mac on Saturday.
Cody: Wow.
Dub: The man has consumed 35,000 Big Macs. He’s been eating two Big Macs a day for almost 50 years That’s insane. He ate his first Big Mac on May 17th 1972 he used to eat nine Big Macs a day back in the early 70s.
Cody: When he was a growing boy.
Dub: Yeah, we had that good metabolism going. He’s kept every receipt from his meals. Now he attributes his good health to walking six miles a day. So he doesn’t just eat two Big Macs a day and then go home and hang on the couch. He does get up and exercise and all that stuff.
Cody: You have to if you’re eating two Big Macs a day. Well, you said he was eating nine at one point and now he’s only eating two, probably price difference.
Dub: Used to be you get all sack full of Big Macs back in the 70s now two Big Macs that’ll run you about 87 bucks.