Would Georgia And South Carolina Survive An Alien Invasion
Would we survive an alien invasion here in the CSRA? If UFOs came down here in the two state, how would we fair against them? According to the NY Post, a website did a study and found which states were most likely and least likely to be okay if aliens ever decided to attack us. So where did Georgia and South Carolina land on the list?
Georgia was number 2 on the list of mostly likely to survive! We’re going to be okay y’all! Here are some of the reasons why. We have a lot of natural caves to seek shelter in. Another reason is because we have a heavy presence of military and law enforcement in Georgia. Also, we have a lot of medical professionals here. I guess thats to help with anyone who gets injured.
What about South Carolina? Y’all were 30th on the list. So I guess if aliens ever show up, y’all better head across the border to Georgia. I’m sure you’re wondering what state was number one on the list? It was Virginia. Here is the rest of the top ten states most likely to survive an alien invasion.
- Massachusetts was 3rd
- New York was 4th
- Louisiana was 5th
- Illinois was 6th
- Maryland was 7th
- Missouri was 8th
- Alabama was 9th
- Wisconsin was 10th
It gives me peace of mind to know that if aliens ever did decided to fool around and find out that my family and I are in a good place to be. If you want to check out the graphic and see where each state landed on the list just click here.
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